All The Terms and Definitions You Need To Know About NFT

NFTs are non-fungible tokens. These are values ​​on a blockchain that are unique. Usually tokens (the processing forms) are interchangeable and thus fungible. Such units are, for example, the virtual coins of a currency such as Ethereum: It can be exchanged for any other equivalent unit. This does not work with an NFT. It has a digital signature that makes it unique and gives it an individual value.

NFTs can give a unique print to a digital work of art, but also to an individual, building or file. There may be similarities of the digital mark, but these are recognizable as such. That would be the same as a photograph of a famous painting: it may be very good, but only the real has the high value because it is unique.Value is attributed to an NFT and evolves in the sector. In the case of a property, it will correspond to the value of this property or be in relation to it. With a digital work of art, as with any work of art, it can explode, such cases have already happened. In this case, the fascination of NFTs is based on the fact that there is only one actual owner of the work of art, even if there are many copies of this individual on the online world. For this reason NFT terms, like all works of art, become items of speculation.

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Decentraland is currently one of the well known NFT terms and strategies. It is a decentralized virtual world where users can create, buy and sell land, names and other digital assets. Furthermore, it is the users who own this virtual world and who rule it. This happens because Decentraland owns its own DAO. The DAO transacts all rights to check the virtual space to its users.



The Aura Blockchain is the first international luxury goods blockchain network to be launched by brands for brands. Its founding team consists of LVMH and Richemont.Aura is based on Ethereum and uses the Azure program. The program is created to improve the luxury customer knowledge and eliminate common issues such as counterfeiting and the resale of stolen quality goods.


CryptoPunks is a sector veteran. Larva Labs, the company behind this NFT term, started the plan for a few years ago when few people knew what NFTs were and many were just discovering blockchain innovation.


Womplay is a gaming loyalty place developed by Spielworks. It launched two years ago and the developer added NFTs to the network in the previous year. Previously, Womplay users could earn rewards in cryptocurrency, but now the same can be done with NFTs.

Despite the divided ideas about NFTs, this blockchain-based technology is on the rise. They have already made inroads into a variety of sectors, from art and gaming to supply chain, ticketing and DeFi. Just think of a market and you will most likely find NFT digital projects already built in.


The number of NFT strategies and marketplaces is growing rapidly as more companies discover the potential apps of NFTs. At PixelPlex they can help with your own NFT network. Contact them and the NFT development group will check your business case and create a network uniquely tailored to your goals.


NFTfi is an Ethereum-based marketplace that uses the tokens as collateral for loans. Users can either offer their tokens as collateral for a loan or lend their tokens to others. Users set the limits themselves and carry out P2P transactions.


The Nouns strategy focuses on improving community building for on-chain avatars. One of the key facts of the plan is that a new Noun is created every day. Another unique aspect of the plan lies in the way of a dedicated DAO treasury that collects 100 percent of the funds from all token sales. The treasury is handled by the founders, who can then decide on its future use.


CrypToadz is a selection of thousands of NFTs created by anonymous collector Gremplin. Behind these NFTs are small amphibious creatures that roam swampy areas trying to break free from the evil king’s oppressive rule.

The Dematerialized

This is a Web3 marketplace for fashion. Built for authenticated virtual goods, the network runs on the Lukso, which is based on the Proof of Stake system. Blockchains managed by this system consume 99% less energy than crypto blockchains, which currently uses proof of work algorithm.


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